Tuesday, April 15, 2008


We finally found someone in our town giving ballet lessons. Laney is now going twice a week. She is very serious and concentrates hard during practice. I think that she is very happy taking the lessons. I thought 2 hours a week would be too much for her, but she proved me wrong. At the end of the lesson she is sad to leave, but at the same time, can't wait to go back!

Sunday, April 13, 2008


Last night was so nice. We all sat by the campfire and had marshmellows. The kids had quite a few, but I think Sam won the prize for most eaten! Laney talked a lot about the moon and stars. She was also making some wishes on them. This is the first of many that we will have this year. We all have so much fun sitting around the fire and chewing the cud....can't wait for the next one!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Update on Ben Jr.

He is now on his 4th swim lesson. I am so proud of him. This has not been an easy thing for him as most of you know. Yesterday after his lesson, they get free-time in the pool. He went and got in line to jump off the diving board! They have one of the teachers in the water with a floating tube and the kids jump off and land with their arms on the float so they don't go under too far. I was so suprised, he did it twice. He is making such great progress I just had to share!

Silly clothes day

At Laney's school, For April Fool's Day, they decided to wear silly clothes. She wanted to wear her sock monkey pajamas. She was so excited and thought is was funny that she could wear them to school.